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You have read it everywhere. The negative articles on writing, the pains and mediocre rewards. Whether they surface on popular websites or in blog posts, these articles contain little to no positives on writing. In that sense, surfing the internet as a writer can be ultimately depressing. To balance it out, here is a mental splurge in the positive aspects of being a writer. Let’s begin! The Day-by-DayBarring the negative aspects of surfing the internet for news and articles on writing, let’s discuss the day-by-day of writing. Day-by-day, a writer looks at the world around them and ponders the same things as everyone else. What to eat next? How do I escape boredom? What day is it anyway? These questions are common enough, but a writer occasionally stops to ponder something else. “I wonder if that would make a good story?” Whether you say it aloud like I do or think it, something comes a long and catches your writing-interest. Something draws you into writing and it is what drew you in the first time it crossed your mind. That sense of wonder unlike any other. Day-by-day, a writer fights with their novel. That is not to say that is bad to fight your novel, in fact, it is brilliant that you do. We personify our novel in that sense, we give it life. If you wish to make a book mean something more than what it is, you have to devote that passion to it. For a writer, passion is a wonderful driving force. It makes the fight dramatic, it makes the story unique and changes the writer. All for the better, wisening up the writer and sharpening their mind. If You Can’t Enjoy Writing, Don’t WriteThere are many wonderful moments one has when writing. When a scene is executed perfectly, a joke makes one laugh or perhaps one is moved further by what they have written. The mental and emotional benefits are many. Yet, it is most likely that writing will become work. If you need to support yourself or do it for pleasure, the excitement of finishing a novel will push you to write more. Again, I say this is a good thing. Productivity has a profound positive effect on a writer. Still, the writer will then find points where the writing is too much. The pleasure is lost, but not forever. It is an experience so common amongst writers, yet those who are wiser know it passes. Whether you decide to take a break and reevaluate your work, or perhaps push on with your novel, you will be smiling again. A writer, like an artist, suffers for their work, yet they do not suffer all the time. Otherwise, why did they start in the first place? If you start writing on a whim, yet can’t recall enjoying it even once, then writing isn’t for you. Yet, if you can recall those chipper moments, then you know you have nothing to worry about. Whether the negative articles bring you down, or perhaps your own work, you are still you. That passion for writing is still within you, thus, you are never unhappy for long. That pleasure is never truly lost. The Beginnings of Fantastic DreamsEvery now-and-then I feel the urge to write something different. It could be a dream that gave me an idea or an experience I have, but I have an idea. A new story that is begging to be written. Many are small and momentary, only ever becoming short story. Yet, there are those special ideas which follow me like close friends. The world is filled with inspiration. No amount of nay-saying can deny that there abundant story ideas on your very street alone. Imagination or investigation will lead you down the path of discovery and soon ideas will spill from your pockets like golden coins. Genres varied, characters unique and an epic tale to unite them. A writer approaches these ideas patiently, with the intent to build and create. In doing so, the writer trains themselves to think differently. Dreams become more vivid, better constructed and the stories are leaps ahead of them too. Perhaps it may seem ludicrous to say, but there is a beauty in a writer’s words that can surpass the greatest paintings. Masterpieces that in comparison to a well-written book are inferior. The Definition of SuccessThose who wish to become the next big writer always seem to have their priorities mixed up. Thus, their ideas with how life as a writer will be clash with reality. These definitions of success are unique to each individual writer. There are many paths one can take towards fame and fortune, some are easier than others. Writing is not an easy career if you plan to be a millionaire. To even earn a decent salary from writing one needs to work harder than one does at their day-job. With this in mind, the possibility for greater success is always there. Yet, here is a little secret that will help you. The moment you remove the desire for money and replace it with the desire to write, you will find monetary success more likely than before. A mental barrier is put in place when you measure your success with money, as money is hard to get your hands on. When you find the level of this success too low too continue, you have simply cheated yourself. You should not decide what your writing is worth. The customer should. The majority of literature is priced at a reasonable price in order to reach a greater market, in which case, cheaper is better. Your value to the reader will only increase if you have quality. That is why you need to measure your level of success with the quality of your writing. If you can read your writing and say to yourself, ‘I’m proud of my work’, then you are a successful writer. You will find more pleasure in your work and it will show for everyone else. Your definition of being successful needs to change, not the number in your bank account. Once more, this is a good thing and once you push past the mental barrier, you will be a lot wiser than most. To Be Brave and FoolishThose who start writing with many concerned friends and family often receive warnings about becoming a writer. Some might hate the idea of someone they care about taking up such a career. To be called a fool in the pursuit of writing and still persist is true bravery. With all the responsibilities one has, it is easy to understand friends and family. After all, they only wish the best for you. Yet, if you approach writing as a career correctly, their concerns are misplaced. You can become a writer and survive. Gone are the days of a writer and artist suffering in extreme poverty. We are smarter people today, more cautious people. To become anything we approach the chosen career with caution, be it lawyer or writer. That is why choosing to become a writer should have no negative impact greater than changing to any other profession. Failing is Not the EndWhether it all works out or not does not matter. At stated, we are more cautious people today. Putting all our eggs in one basket it is simply not in one's nature. Good, old common sense still exists. Although we have a profound effect on the future with our decisions, some things will always be out of our hands. Meaning, despite all one’s best efforts, failing to become a writer and doing something else is possible. Yet, despite these events that may or may not come to transpire, those who wish to write and do so, should not regret their decision. Whether it works out or not, one should never regret doing what they choose to do. One should only have to live with the consequences and although that is a scary word, these repercussions can easily be positive. As I always say, if you find it in yourself, that spark to become a writer, I plead you do so. Anything that you offer is enough and you should feel nothing but pride in sharing your ideas. Happy writing! Thank You!Dear Writer, Thank you for finishing this article. I had a lot of fun writing it and I hope you truly enjoyed it. There are many things you will learn from the writing experience and the 150 above are only a few. As a big thank you I would like to offer you something for FREE! A writing course on how to improve your main character! Click here to check it out your course. In addition, if would like to receive more content, bonuses and some big discounts on future courses, join the writers group here. Thank you very much for reading! Kind regards Matthew Dewey, Writer Pin for Later!
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